
News for Kawaii Kon 2012
December 8, 2011

Kawaii Kon makes third guest announcement

Honolulu, HI - December 9th, 2011 - Kawaii Kon, Hawaii's premier anime convention and conference is proud to announce a new guest to the Kawaii Kon 2012 lineup.

Yoshitaka Amano - International Artist
Yoshitaka Amano is a world-renowned artist and illustrator, known for his contributions to works including Vampire Hunter D, as well as the Final Fantasy series. He began freelancing in 1982 after leaving the anime studio Tatsunoko Production, and went on to win the Japanese Seiun Award for Best Artist of the Year for four years straight, from 1983 to 1986. Beginning in 1987, he began working as a character designer and visual concept designer for the Final Fantasy game series, while simultaneously working as an illustrator on series including Vampire Hunter D, Sandman: The Dream Hunters, and Guin Saga. Mr. Amano has held solo exhibitions in locations including Tokyo, Paris, New York City, Brussels, Los Angeles, Cologne, and Hong Kong.

About Kawaii Kon: Kawaii Kon is dedicated to creating a broader awareness of, and appreciation for Japanese animation by celebrating the richness of this artform. Through cooperation with the community, Kawaii Kon hopes to facilitate growth of the anime, manga and related industries in Hawaii and beyond. In addition to providing a central event for fans and enthusiasts, Kawaii Kon seeks to become a vehicle for sharing and disseminating industry information. Kawaii Kon also provides the community and related industries the opportunity to network and conduct business.

Kawaii Kon will be held at the Hawaii Convention Center from March 16th to 18th, 2012. For more information please visit:

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