
News for Bakuretsu Con 2005
February 21, 2005

Bakuretsu Con announces guests

South Burlington, Vermont - Bakuretsu Con would like to announce that Scott Melzer and Michael "Mookie" Terracciano will be attending Bakuretsu Con 2005 as our guests. The annual convention will be held October 21-23, 2005.

Scott Melzer is best known for his work on the fan parody "This is Otakudom". Scott was a writer, editor, producer, and sound technician, among other things, for the popular parody. Scott is also known for his work on fan made Anime Music Videos. You might have seen some of his videos at Otakon, they include but are not limited to: This is DBZ Life, All Star, Lain's Dream, and New World Man. For more information on Scott's AMVs visit his profile page on

For more information on the anime parody "This is Otakudom" check out the official web page. If you have not seen "This is Otakudom" make sure to look for it in our video room showings. Bakuretsu Con is sure to see some nice panels hosted by Scott this year.

Michael "Mookie" Terracciano is a returning guest for us. He is the writer and artist of "DOMINIC DEEGAN: ORACLE FOR HIRE," a fantasy manga web comic that has been praised for its unique characters, addictive story lines and painful use of puns. Nearing its second year, with new episodes six days a week and a five-hundred strip archive, its no wonder people are talking about this up-and-coming comic strip! Besides working on DOMINIC DEEGAN's demanding update schedule, Mookie has submitted amateur Flash animations to under the name "Charlie Zero." "The Bard's Song" has become a permanent feature, and "My Angel" has remained on the TOP 50 BEST SUBMISSIONS list for over eleven months. We are thrilled to have him return to Bakuretsu Con as an official guest and panelist.

About Bakuretsu Con: Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's only Anime convention. We are located in So. Burlington right off of Interstate 89 at the Best Western Windjammer Conference Center. Bakuretsu Con offers many activities for it's attendees such as: Cosplay, Anime LARP, Art Contests, AMV Contest, Dealers Room, Guest Artists, Panels & Workshops, Large Video Gaming Room, Anime Screenings, Anime Gaming (CCGs, RPGs, ect), and much more.

More guests are planned and will be announced as soon as we have information.

For more information and on-line registration please visit us at:

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