GuildCon 2016 Information
GuildCon 2016
September 22-25, 2016
The Guild HallSavannah, GA
Gaming Convention with Video Gaming programming
What is GuildCon? GuildCon is gaming. Performances. D&D. Movies. Cosplay. Food! GuildCon is like if DragonCon and ComicCon got together and had a beautiful, delicious convention baby. What began as our grand opening for The Guild Hall two years ago has since evolved into the Mega Charizard of geek meetups. Free entry gets you four straight days of opportunities to get your game on. Meet some heroes of the tabletop gaming industry, show your skills in our many competitions, learn to play some new games, and find your new nerd-vana at The Guild Hall this September 22th - 25th. You won't want to be the only one of your friends to say you weren't at GuildCon 2016!
Registration Information
Advance RatesAll 4 Days: Free
Photos and Reports
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