Anime Blues Con 2015 Information

Anime Blues Con 2015

Anime Blues Con 2015

July 10-12, 2015

Memphis Cook Convention Center
Memphis, TN

Anime Convention
Organized by Multi-Cultural Arts Entertainment Group

Anime Blues Con is back and celebrating its fifth year. Fan favorite events, like the Cosplay Contest, Disney Shadow Cast, formal ball, the rave, and our famous (infamous?) late programming are returning better than ever. We're also rolling out brand new MAJOR events with our Cosplay University and a massive Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament that will broadcast through Twitch throughout the weekend. Year five is already shaping up to be the best one yet. Don't miss out!


4,200 total people (estimated)
4,000 paid attendeees (estimated)

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$26.62 through March 2, 2015
At-Door Rates
All 3 Days: $50
Friday: $30
Saturday: $30
Sunday: $15

Photos and Reports

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