Yama-Con 2012 Information

Yama-Con 2012

Yama-Con 2012

December 8-9, 2012

Smoky Mountain Convention Center
Pigeon Forge, TN

Anime Convention with Gaming and Video Gaming programming
Organized by Multi-Cultural Arts Entertainment Group

Yama-Con is going to be a convention to celebrate all things geek, nerd and otaku. We are going to have a central focus on anime, but video gaming, comics, and table top gaming will have a presence at our convention. Not to mention our list of guest/musical talent which will be present.

Yama-Con is based in the foothills of The Great Smokey Mountains in Pigeon Forge, TN. We are a brand new convention and this will be our first year. We are hoping to have a great year and great years to come. We hope you will join us and let your geek flags fly.


1,215 total people
1,150 paid attendeees

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