Ai-Kon 2013 Information

Ai-Kon 2013

July 12-14, 2013

Winnipeg Convention Centre
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Anime Convention

Ai-Kon is a three-day event held during the summer, which runs around the clock from start to finish. Other than our focus on Japanese animation, comics and closely related media, the convention has branched off to include other events that have varying amounts of overlap with our attendees' interests. We host many anime convention staples, such as the cosplay masquerade, assorted video games with tournament prizes, and rooms for vendors and artists alike to showcase and sell their wares. Thanks to the diverse range of anime fans in the area, with each passing year we've been able to host panels and other events covering more ground in other semi-related areas, from Japanese Tea Ceremony and Aikido demonstrations from the Manitoba Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre to panels discussing the finer points of Go and ball-jointed dolls. Really, we have so much of the latter here, it's kind of unsettling!


3,148 paid attendeees
6,359 turnstile attendance count

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